The community of experts welcomes 9 new certified trainers!

Participants Train the trainer Avril 2024

From April 22th to 26th, 2024, 9 experts from Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Group HQ gathered at Transdev’s HQ in Issy-les-Moulineaux for participating to the 6th edition of the “Master Train the Trainer” program. is a community of Group experts recognized for their experience and skillset. The system guarantees the mobilization of the best know-how in the service of operational performance, as well as the development and transfer of best practices.

Within this scope, Transdev organizes the “Master Train the Trainer” program, a certification recognized by the institutes QCA and Oqfal. Led by Roy Fairweather, International Development Director and management development expert, this 5-day program is a fantastic opportunity for members to develop both their soft skills and their technical competencies. The wide range of professions and geographies represented also enables participants to develop an international, multi-skilled network.

Throughout the week, our experts train on topics such as: understanding different learning methods, public speaking, developing influencing skills and empowering leadership. On the final day, each participant presents a current or future project, applying their newly acquired or reinforced learning.

How can we help you to move forward?