Special Conditions on Cookie Management

The present Special Conditions complete the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site, accessible here.


When you visit our Site, several cookies are used to make browsing easier, personalize content and services, collect anonymous usage statistics and measure audience.


These special conditions on cookie management will help you to better understand how cookies work and how to use the tools available to you to personalize and configure them.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file deposited on your computer when you visit a site or view an advertisement. Like other tracking technologies, their purpose is to collect information about your browsing habits and to provide you with personalized services. Various types of cookies may be used on our site: http cookies, local storage cookies, flash cookies, fingerprinting, pixels, or other tracking identifiers…


The Site is designed to be particularly attentive to the needs and expectations of our customers and users. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies, for example, to identify you and access your account, manage your order basket, remember your visits, and personalize the offers we make and the advertising you see on our site or elsewhere. The information stored in these cookies may be sent back to our servers or to the servers of third parties concerned during a subsequent visit.

How do I manage cookies?

The placement of cookies is subject to your consent unless they are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and the provision of our Services.


You consent to the deposit of cookies, the information on which is communicated to you in the cookie’s information banner visible when you first connect to the Site by clicking on the “Accept” or “Accept All” button on the banner.


The consent thus given is valid for 6 months from the first deposit in the terminal’s equipment.

You may refuse or configure the storage of cookies on your terminal or browser by :

  • clicking on the “Refuse all” button in the banner
  • Setting your choices in the cookie manager accessible via the “Personalize” button


Please note: Cookies are strictly necessary for the proper operation of the site and the provision of our services. They may also be used to manage your consent or to fight against fraud, for example. If you refuse to accept unnecessary cookies, you are informed that your browsing and experience on the Site may be impaired. If you have not already done so, you may accept or refuse cookies at any time via our cookie manager, which can be accessed here .

You are also informed that the Publisher’s partners and other third parties may place cookies on the Site as data processors. You can consult the list of partners in the cookie manager accessible via the “manage my cookies” button. The issue and use of cookies by third parties are also subject to the privacy policies of these third parties in addition to the present. We therefore recommend that you visit the websites of these third parties for more information on the cookies they store and how to manage them.


Cookie identification

  • Internal cookies


These cookies are necessary for the site to operate smoothly and securely:

    • Management of session duration to ensure site security
    • Personalization of third-party cookies (tarteaucitron tool)
    • Memorization of data entered to avoid multiple entries
    • Anonymized visitor statistics
    • Automated software detection when submitting information.


You may refuse their use via your browser settings.


If you refuse to accept the cookies required for our services, you will no longer be able to benefit from some of the functions required for optimal browsing, and your visits and browsing experience may be significantly impaired.


  • External cookies


In order to offer you specific services, the site uses third-party services. These services use their own cookies:

  • Audience measurement (Matomo)
  • Localized map display (Google Maps)
  • Video viewing (Youtube)
  • Sharing content with social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin…)


When you visit the site, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. The data collected and the conditions of use by these third-party services are specific to each of them.


You can “personalize” the use of these third-party cookies at any time, accepting or rejecting them here.

In accordance with current regulations, cookies placed on your terminal have a limited lifetime of 13 months. At the end of this period, your consent must be obtained again.

Browser settings

Most browsers allow you to set your level of acceptance or refusal of cookies:



You may use your Internet browser to delete cookies automatically or manually. You may also specify that certain cookies cannot be deposited. Another option is to modify your Internet browser settings so that you receive a message each time a cookie is set. For more information on these options, please refer to your browser’s Help section.


Please note that our Site may not function properly if all cookies are deactivated. If you delete cookies from your browser, they will be placed again with your consent when you visit our Site again.

Exercising your personal data rights

To find out more about our policies on the processing of personal data, to identify the rights you have over your personal data and how to exercise them, please consult our Special Conditions – Protection of Personal Data.

Updates and modifications to the Special Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to modify these Special Terms and Conditions for Cookie Management at any time. Their effective date is indicated at the beginning of the text. Please refer to them periodically, and whenever you agree to cookies being stored on your equipment.