Transdev Worldwide
l'école du spectateur
Since 1996, l’École Du Spectateur (EdS) has been offering artistic education through singing for children, teenagers and young adults. The association offers courses and workshops led by entertainment professionals. The aim is to train cultivated citizens by developing listening skills, concentration and mutual respect. Accessible to all without prior selection or audition, it guarantees financial inclusion for every participant. This unique approach has enabled hundreds of young people to benefit from an apprenticeship that combines high standards with pleasure.
L’École du Spectateur offers three levels of choir: Chœur Moyen (CP-CM2), Chœur Créa jeunes (6ème-higher education), and Chœur Adultes. Weekly sessions of 1.5-2.5 hours include singing and acting. Some students take part in the annual show, with workshops during the vacations. The EdS also invites school classes to performances, preparing them in advance and involving them on stage. In 2022, the EdS created the opera “Le Chant des Sirènes” with the support of the Transdev Foundation.
Discover the complete presentation on the foundation’s website >