What role does mobility play in the green transition?

Photographer: Bart van Leersum
Xavier Roseren, French Member of Parliament, shares his committed vision for a green transition.
The number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in mountain resorts is transport. If we want to reduce the carbon impact of a mountain resort, we must first reduce transportation. We have to make sure that when people come to our resorts, they use low-carbon transport. It's complicated because our population density is low and we don't have much public transport in the mountains. But we can see that our local authorities are increasingly using gas-powered buses, as in the Chamonix Valley. We can also use electric power where possible, and then perhaps when technologies improve and costs are lower, we can use hydrogen to power all public transport. In that case, public transport will be completely carbon-free.
We also need to work on night trains, so that people can travel by train to slightly longer destinations. We can easily imagine leaving Paris in the evening and arriving at the station the next morning. That's why the government has decided to reintroduce ten or so night trains in France. I think we need to move faster and get the line that affects my constituency, Le Fayet-Paris, back on track as soon as possible.
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