Connexxion’s system automatically locates two volunteers within a 500-meter radius of the victim who are able to arrive on foot or bike.
Volunteers use a smartphone application to locate defibrillators and bring them to the victim prior to the arrival of ambulances, operated by Connexxion ambulancezorg. One volunteer administers the defibrillator while the other provides first aid.
Recognized by the Heart Foundation, Heartsafe Living combines two core company professions: health and public transport.
Reinforced with the internet and a recently added smartphone app, the program is helping to save lives:
- Locating defibrillators nearby
- Identifying volunteers in the proximity of the victim
- Reporting the accident
As of 2012, after three years, 52 cities subscribe to the service and 8,718 volunteers, supported by 18 trainers, have participate in 1,463 interventions.
Transdev is working to develop and implement this unique solidarity program between individuals in other countries.
Heartsafe Living
Heartsafe Living is connected with specialist associations for training volunteers on initial survival acts
- To date, 8,718 volunteers are capable of intervening and using defibrillators.
- 1,052 stations accessible to the public have been installed and are serviced by Heartsafe Living.