Transdev’s Autonomous Vehicle Project in Chile recognized by the government

Va Santiago Chili

Transdev’s Autonomous Vehicle Project in Santiago de Chile was part of the televised 2019 Public Account of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

During the public account, the Minister informs citizens of the main milestones of institutional management, projections and future challenges. Within it, the Autonomous Vehicle was highlighted as an initiative that brought together the two areas of the ministry: transportation and telecommunications

This three-month pilot allowed testing in control technology and consolidating public-private collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Inter-American Development Bank and Transdev. Additionally, it incorporated the support of private partners and academia through the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Chile. This allowed Transdev to position itself as the leading operator and pioneer in the region with regards to autonomous mobility.

The pilot project continues through the first process of innovation in autonomous mobility in the region. For more information, please visit the project website (in Spanish):