Competitive tendering
Why and how does competitive tendering drive improvements in mobility?
Laurent Probst
Managing Director of Île-de-France Mobilités

Laurent Probst, Managing Director of Île-de-France Mobilités, talks about the importance of competition in the transport sector.
This competitive bidding is regulated. We have contracts and we finance public operators. We provide them with guarantees against possible crises, as we saw with Covid. These contracts also provide a social framework: we have a charter of social commitments which guarantees that employees who are transferred will retain their social benefits, working conditions and salary.
The results of competitive tendering are there: on all the networks we have put out to tender, we have seen an improvement in service quality. Taking the example of regularity on former bus lines, we had a regularity of 86%, which we managed to increase by 2% on all networks.
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Nathalie Allegret, Director of National Activities and Development, Equans Cities and Communities Division (multi-technical services)