What are the main barriers to the decarbonization of transport?
Karima Delli
Member of the European Parliament, Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism.

In this interview, Green MEP Karima Delli stresses the urgent need to invest in public transport to speed up the sector's ecological transition.
The transport sector and decarbonization must absolutely become priorities. We know what needs to be done and we have the solutions, but now, we need to invest: investing in public transport is a priority. This will enable people who use their private cars to gain in purchasing power, to gain on the climate, and to gain on employment. We need to work on the car, which tomorrow will be shared, and ensure that trains are much cheaper than planes.
Now, these are political choices. I therefore invite the Member States to stop procrastinating and dividing. Transport must become their top priority. Why is this happening now? Tomorrow, you'll see that if we don't settle the climate issue with the question of social justice, huge rifts will be created.
Secondly, we need to show how investing in decarbonization and transport is a win-win situation:
- Health by getting out of pollution;
- Congestion, by avoiding wasting time in traffic jams;
- For industry, because transportation creates jobs and revitalizes regions;
- For tourism, which relies on transport.
The key is to open our eyes through trains, bicycles and even walking to re-enchant our tourism. We need to invest in transport, which has to be green and popular.
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