

What are the most pressing challenges facing transportation and the green transition in Europe today?

  • Jan-Christoph Oetjen

    Jan-Christoph Oetjen

    Former Member of the European Parliament

27 June 2024

In this interview, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, former member of the European Parliament, discusses the crucial issues surrounding mobility.

In the context of the ecological transition, the most crucial challenge facing mobility lies in the ability to link up the various systems. Where we have the most work to do is in promoting multimodality, enabling people to use all means of transport, and to favor the most environmentally-friendly mobility solutions. So it's important to see how we can link public transport to long-distance rail systems, and how we can link micromobility to these systems.

People are looking for efficient mobility solutions. They don't think in terms of journeys from one city to another, but rather from their home to their destination. I think we need to encourage efficient solutions that enable users to get from point A to point B with ease. So we need to bring in a more passenger-centric approach. What we need to do is simplify booking a journey across different modes of transport. We need :

  • Competition in the market, because that's the only way we'll get quality services.
  • Quality services where you can combine modes of transport in a practical way.


So we need to launch multimodal data services for mobility. This way, with a single app on your phone, you can book the journey you want across different modes of transport, including the most sustainable solutions. If we can make this possible, daily travel will become easier for everyone.