

What encourages people to choose public transportation over private cars?

  • Elke Van den Brandt

    Elke Van den Brandt

    Minister for Mobility, Public Works and Road Safety within the government of the Brussels-Capital Region in Belgium

20 February 2024

In this video, Elke Van den Brandt looks at the issue of encouraging people to use public transport.

We need to show what a good alternative might look like: we need safe sidewalks, cycling infrastructure, and so on. Brussels is by no means a city known for its cycling culture, but we have all the potential we need if we invest in good infrastructure. Public transport in Brussels is pretty good, but we need to constantly improve and ensure that we continue to offer quality public transport services that are desirable and pleasant to use.

Why are we talking about mobility? Because cars dominate public space. If we take back some of this space, we'll be able to put in trees, café terraces, play areas, bike paths... There's so much we can do by using space differently.

What's important for people is to show them how much they can gain. We have all kinds of small projects, and residents can also make proposals to change the streets for a few weeks and turn them into playgrounds or small gardens. By doing this, you help people project themselves. This is essential to create that feeling of “We can do it”. It's important to fight climate change, but it's quality of life that you have to sell to people.