

What measures have the EU taken to ensure equitable access to the transportation?

  • Elisabeth Kotthaus

    Elisabeth Kotthaus

    Head of Unit at the European Commission's DG Transport

01 June 2024

Elisabeth Kotthaus, Head of Unit at the European Commission's DG Transport, highlights several key measures to ensure fair access to transport.

At European level, we adopted the measures of the European Green Deal, and it soon became clear that a social dimension should also be taken into account.

The Social Climate Fund is another measure that has been negotiated. It requires each member state to draw up a national plan by mid-2025, analyzing both buildings and transport, to assess the situation of vulnerable users and those in precarious mobility situations.

This is the 1st time that precarious mobility has been defined at European Union level. It has several dimensions: it must be affordable, available and accessible. At the Commission, a study is underway on precarious mobility to better understand these criteria, what exists and what we should be developing. We are also drawing up guidelines for member states to use when drawing up their national plans under the Social Climate Fund. Many players need to work together, because even if member states draw up their national plans, they need to look at their regions, their urban centers, to draw up a useful plan that leaves no one behind.