Which essential message would you like to share?
Karima Delli
Member of the European Parliament, Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism.

In this video, Karima Delli, Member of the European Parliament & Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, stresses the need for an ecological transition.
We need to tell humanity and political leaders that the ecological transition is not a punishment but a solution: it's a win-win situation for everyone. People win, especially the poorest, but also industry, employment and the economy. But it's also a win-win for our social fabric. If we do not create this ecological transition, tomorrow, those who have money and those who do not will fight. The world will be a much more beautiful place if we share and pull together.
We need to say to ourselves: “We have seen climate change, we have mitigated it, and things are going better for our planet”.
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Madeleine Masse, Founder and President of Atelier Soil
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Arnaud Passalacqua, Professor at the Paris School of Urban Planning
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How can individuals improve their urban environment?
Zeina Nazer, Co-founder of Cities Forum and vice president of ITS UK Road User Charging Forum
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Edith Maruéjouls, Founder of the Design Office L'ARObE
A city that adopts an inclusive approach to urban planning is one that rethinks the status of women and the gendered nature of public spaces. -
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Lior Steinberg, Urban planner and cofounder of Humankind
I believe that, in tomorrow’s world, cars will have retreated from our cities.