Why is climate adaptation a critical issue?
Antoine Poincaré
Head of the Climate School at AXA Climate

In this interview, Antoine Poincaré discusses the challenges of climate adaptation.
Why is climate adaptation a critical issue?
Adaptation is key: we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions while preparing for and protecting ourselves in a climate that is becoming increasingly unstable. This will require money, and a new way of thinking for companies, who will have to think about the continuity of their activities.
How can we accelerate our adaptation to climate change?
To speed up adaptation, the key message is to understand that it will be played out on a regional scale. A company is not going to adapt on its own, it's going to adapt in a place where the infrastructure has to work. For companies, accelerating adaptation means looking down and returning to the territories on which they depend, and taking action.
What role do mobility solutions play in climate adapttaion?
Adapting also means rethinking the way we get around, sometimes even not getting around in more extreme conditions. We need to invest in the resilience of our transport systems, so that we can quickly resume operations after a disaster. This needs to be thought through with private-sector players, like Transdev, and with public authorities today.
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