Why is climate change adaptation a key issue?

Photographer: Dietmar Denger
French MP Xavier Roseren talks about the challenges of climate adaptation in the mountains.
Why is adaptation to climate change a key issue?
Adaptation is a key issue, because in the mountains, global warming is twice as fast as in the heart of France. Global warming is going to jeopardize our mountain economy, which relies on tourism, particularly in winter when there is snow. These mountain areas need to set an example by making the necessary adaptations so that they can continue to have an economic life and so that the inhabitants can continue to live in our resorts.
What are the priority issues specific to your region?
These are priority issues, as we have both an exceptional mountain heritage and significant economic activity. We need to succeed in linking the two to make it work.
We must continue to generate renewable energy by using the water we have in the mountains to generate hydroelectricity. We also need to be careful with our water resources, because we can imagine water problems in the mountains in 20 to 30 years' time. We can also think about insulating our buildings, because we have a 50% heat loss rate. And, of course, there's still work to be done on decarbonized public transport, valley elevators, buses using gas, hydrogen or electric technology where possible. Taken together, all these elements mean that we're going to make a success of the transition in the mountains.
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