It was in a very convivial atmosphere that participants with very different profiles and career paths, operational or functional, from French or Group headquarters and French or Group subsidiaries, met up over two days.
The opening panel discussion, on the topic ‘Transformation of our business, transformation of our competencies’, was highly appreciated: Isadora Verderesi (Director of the Digital Factory), Arthur Nicolet (Managing Director, TCAR Rouen), Hugo Roncal (Managing Director, Eurolines and Isilines) and Clément de Villepin (Group Human Resources Director) shared their outlooks on the business.
The discussions were very instructive and covered varied subjects such as autonomous transport systems, MaaS (Mobility as a Service), collaboration with start-ups, contractual management of our urban public transport networks, innovation, quality of customer relations and professional culture.
During the second day, the participants joined in the discussions and shared their insights and impressions concerning the Group, with Thierry Mallet, (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), Antoine Colas (General Secretary), Richard Dujardin (CEO France) and Marcos Garcia ( Chief Financial Officer).
The two days were very enriching, encouraging open discussion, exchange of viewpoints and the development of ideas, as well as being a great opportunity for meeting others and creating ties.