At the end of the 2nd Learning Expedition, three of them let Transdev Germany be part of their experience and talked about their feelings on their job at Transdev and the program.
Transdev is a great company to work for because we get a lot of opportunities even just being part of this program.
Anton Heiss from Germany relocated to Transdev America, Jocelyn Tan from Transdev Australia, and Emilien Dalle from the French subsidiary Transamo, kindly answered questions about their professional life, their work involvement at Transdev and their highlights of the program.
The highlight for me was the meaning of a bunch of very like-minded people from across the world. So, we were able to share learnings about their different businesses and some of the challenges that they’re facing too.
The results of are positive as the participants declared that they are satisfied with the program and still motivated for the next challenges. In the meantime, they continue to work on the different transversal streams of the program.
The totality of the interview is available in the video below produced by Transdev Germany.