Transdev Sweden has started a unique partnership together with the Airport Coaches and Merresor, where 55 bus drivers have been trained quickly and started driving in the Stockholm urban service. The initiative has aroused interest in many including Regional Minister for Transportation and the Chairman of SL (Stockholms Transit Authority) Kristoffer Tamsons, who on Friday visited Transdev in Märsta to learn more about the initiative and welcome the new drivers.
In Märsta we have taken in 55 bus drivers from the Airport Coaches and Merresor to support traffic in the area. The goal is to bring in 75 new bus drivers. The drivers went to a two-day training where they were able to build up their knowledge of the route and the area. They also learned more about Transdev and all systems onboard the buses. Now they are out in public transport in Märsta, Sigtuna, Upplands Väsby and Vallentuna and support the traffic in the area.
The initiative we have with the Airport buses and Merresor is important for us to continue to develop traffic, even in the midst of these troubled times. It feels fantastic to see Transdev and industry colleagues working together to ensure that those in need can travel. I look forward to welcoming even more new bus drivers and I obviously thank all those who help us today and all my drivers who make a fantastic effort every day.
Niclas Flodin, Business Manager of Transdev Märsta
During the visit, Regional Minister Tamsons got to meet the actors who are behind the initiative and talk to some bus drivers who have participated in the fast training. He also visited the depot and had a chance to look at the five electric buses included in the contract.
It is impressive to see how Transdev, Airport Coaches and Merresor together are innovative in securing public transportation in Märsta and Sigtuna during a difficult time. It is important here and now but also to make it through a pandemic and afterwards. It is important to me that this kind of effort is noticed. The bus drivers who now take on the Transdev uniform, instead of the uniform they are otherwise accustomed to, must be welcomed and shown gratitude for their efforts to keep Sigtuna rolling.
Kristoffer Tamsons, Regional Minister of Transportation and Chairman of SL.
It is always very gratifying to receive praise from our customers. I think we should all be proud that we are receiving such positive attention in the midst of the crisis. I also want to highlight our collaboration with SL. Our client is a proactive partner in this crisis and shows an understanding that the entire industry is in a difficult situation right now. They have created the right conditions for us to launch the initiative we have today with the Airbus and Merresor, we are grateful for.
Johannes Kandell, Business Area Manager Transdev North