Transdev Reims is teaming up with the community of Greater Reims and the city of Reims for the massive vaccination operation against COVID-19 in the 143 municipalities of the area.
From Tuesday January 19, 2021, the Vacci’bus will operate in the 143 municipalities of the agglomeration.
To access the Vacci’Bus and get vaccinated, an appointment must be made in advance via the French national website www.santé.fr or via a specific telephone platform set up by Grand Reims and the city of Reims.
The Transdev Reims teams have made every effort to design the interior of the Vacci’Bus in order to greet inhabitants as comfortably as possible onboard the bus. The bus will accommodate every day, a team of health professionals, who will administer the vaccines in strict compliance with health rules.
This operation is currently scheduled until March 1, 2021, to complement the major vaccination centers planned in the region.