The experts

Mallet Thierry
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Thierry Mallet

Thierry Mallet, Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of Transdev
Thierry Mallet (63) is a graduate from Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Thierry Mallet is Chairman & CEO of Transdev group since September 2016.

His career took him from the Ministry of Public Works (1987-1990), to Générale des Eaux (1990-2002) then to the Suez group (2002-2016), before joining Transdev group in 2016.

Mr. Mallet is a member of the MEDEF Executive Committee, Chairman of the France-Australia & France-New Zealand business councils of MEDEF International. He is also Chairman of the GITL (Groupement Interprofessionnel du Transport et de la Logistique) and Vice-President of UTP (Union des Transports Publics et ferroviaires).