Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic the Tadao Transit Network operated by Transdev in the Lens area in France has launched the program #confinésmaisbienentourés (#confinedbutwellsurrounded in English) on its Social Media networks. Usually used for passenger information, the initiative is intended to animate the networks in this period of lockdown. An interactive way to keep in touch with our passengers, whether they are travelling or at home.

For some weeks, publications on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts will directly engage the Tadao customers via various questions and games on a daily basis, the answers to which will be unveiled the following day. In order to satisfy young passengers, as well as the older ones and to get everyone involved, many themes will be proposed: local culture, the network and its news, solidarity actions… Activities/interactions that will not fail to remind us of barrier gestures and practical information from the network.

Our teams of the Tadao network have found an original way to vary the exchanges with the community of customers and to approach the questions of social distancing in a less anxiety-provoking way.
Every day, Transdev employees do their utmost to enable those who must use public transportation to travel in the best possible conditions. Our teams are mobilized to ensure the safety of everyone and make essential daily travel possible.