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You have the D license

Help us create more fluid transportation and a more sustainable world
We empower our teams, and our drivers are the heart of our business. This is an opportunity to help transform the industry. You will play an essential customer-facing role. You are our ambassador, the guardian of the Transdev travel experience.
You want to take the D license

Become a driver in 3 months in France!
For those who want to move into this service industry, Transdev supports and funds training courses to help you earn your Road Public Transport (CTCR) qualification, including D licenses and mandatory initial training for passenger transport. These trainings are carried out at a partner center and last approximately 3 months.
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Launch of the Academy By Transdev
Our objective : to recruit and train our future drivers
Find out more
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What are the requirements to receive CTCR training?
We thank our drivers, for everything you do to get us where we're going, safe and sound!
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Bus drivers and Covid-19 pandemic
How do our bus drivers work in these unprecedented times ? Discover the testimony of Bart, one of our bus drivers in Sweden.