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Your mission
As part of the development of Transdev Autonomous Transport Systems, which aims to withdraw operators from within autonomous vehicles, you will have different missions.

Within the safety and security team, you will carry out analysis studies (such as FMECA, etc.) and create safety justification files. Your role is to co-construct these documents with the different teams alongside suppliers.
The benefits!
A dedicated team with strong expertise in autonomous vehicles to enable its deployment in existing transport networks and maintain quality of service.
International experts from all relevant business sectors (automotive, rail, software, mobility services, aeronautics, etc.).
A team of passionate and enthusiastic people, working in collaboration with different business lines and subsidiaries of the group worldwide.

Your profil

You are a self-reliant and proactive person, you are adaptable and have a very strong team spirit. You master various safety methods, current standards (ISO26262, DO178, EN5012x) and have knowledge of the safety of autonomous transport systems (SOTIF standard).