tender project leader

smiling man with crossed arms and blue sweater blurred background with yellow bus

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Your mission

You play a strategic role in the marketing of our solutions. With a 360° vision in the field of transport, you propose the solutions best suited to the needs of companies and Organising Authorities.
You will do your utmost to win your calls for tenders by managing the production and negotiation of offers, from the preparation work upstream of the issue of the specifications to the signing of the contract.
You pay exceptional attention to our clients’ expectations and propose innovative and competitive offers with one objective: to give us the best chances of winning!

The benefits!

A learning company that offers training throughout your career. Opportunities for mobility within an international Group. A profession in full transformation.

Your profil

Passionate, you love challenges and are eager to offer the best of the Group to our Organizing Authorities. Customer-oriented and creative, you are demanding about the originality of your proposals.