the Mark&Ter workshops

Ateliers Mark&Ter

The Mark&Ter workshops have existed for more than 10 years at Transdev and are recognized by our local teams and communities. The concept? Bringing together between 30 and 50 Transdev experts in a given area to diagnose all the aspects of the marketing mix and provide concrete solutions for improvement

This format, which takes place over three days, makes it possible to establish a diagnosis and generate a large number of ideas for the network and the local area studied. A source of satisfaction and progress for the communities and for the network teams.

Ateliers Mark&Ter photo de groupe

Day 1

The first day is dedicated to the presentation of the local area so that everyone can understand and appropriate it before starting. The participants are divided into sub-groups, each dedicated to a marketing mix issue: mobility offer, intermodality, passenger information, customer experience, etc.

Day 2

The second day is devoted to in-the-field work to discover the local area through the prism of the assigned theme:

  • The strengths to capitalize on
  • • Weaknesses to find solutions.


At the end of day 2, the teams meet to prepare the action plan:

  • Redesign a multimodal network that will be adapted to urban development
  • Propose concrete actions to make the network more dynamic
  • To conquer the motorists that we wish to transform into passengers

Day 3

The third day is the day of exchange. Each group proposes its diagnosis and its action plan on its theme. This is an opportunity for everyone to share ideas and enrich the proposals that have been thought up for the local area.