For our passengers
The number of our passengers has fallen significantly as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak; today it is mostly « frontline » professionals who use them, especially healthcare staff. To thank them for their dedication, our buses also display the message « Thank you NHS » (the National Health Service in the UK).
We have modified the timetables of our bus networks to satisfy mobility requirements, in particular by interviewing health facilities managers. These new timetables can be checked at bus stops and on our website, social media and the Transdev Go application.
We have also set up specific fares for the elderly and for disabled people, so that they can take the bus to go for shopping, as well as for those who help vulnerable people.
We remain very attentive to bus ridership trends in order to be able to adapt to the evolution of the health crisis every day. In accordance with the decision taken by the British Government, we ask everyone to travel only when necessary.

For our frontline employees
We are very proud of all our employees who, on the front line, allow these women and men who look after us and feed us, to continue to travel. This is why we have posted the message #ThankYouBusDrivers on our buses.
The safety of our teams is our number one priority. We have established strict and regular cleaning measures and provided our drivers with hydro-alcoholic gel. Furthermore, in our buses, the seats closest to the driver are blocked to limit the risk of contagion. Passengers are also informed, through displays and voice announcements, of the measures required: safety distances, regular cleaning of hands, coughing into the elbow. Most of our vehicles are equipped with a contactless payment system to prevent our drivers from handling change or cash.
To preserve the salaries and jobs of our employees, we offer them the opportunity to join other understaffed teams for a while, or to operate replacement buses. And we have also set up WhatsApp groups to enable everyone to stay in touch despite the lockdown and easily get answers to one’s questions.