Our Purpose

We empower freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions that serve the common good.

« Our Purpose is a guide, it's what motivates us every day to go to work. And it is also a compass when we have to make a decision ».


Thierry Mallet, Chairman and CEO of the Transdev Group

At Transdev, we are people serving people. We are more than 105,000 employees, transporting an average of 12 million people every day in 19 countries.


Transdev empowers freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions that serve the common good. Transdev was a forerunner in 2019 when we published our Purpose. Because mobility is essential to go to work, study, meet friends, get medical care... simply to live.


For us, the freedom to move is essential for everyday lives. 


We reinforce this freedom on a daily basis, with safe solutions, because safety comes first.


We reinforce this freedom with innovative solutions, because being at the forefront of innovation means demonstrating our adaptability to the world in which we live. 


With these solutions, we serve the common good in three ways : 

- By creating local employment ;

- By contributing to the attractiveness and dynamism of the communities ;

- By contributing to the ecological transition and the protection of the environment. 


The common good is the very nature of public transportation. We must all contribute to it, and measure our impact on the communities we serve. 


This is a source of pride for every Transdev employee. 


Our Purpose is embodied by three action verbs, which express the essence of our business:


Care, Share et Dare. 


Stronger than simple values, these verbs commit us on daily basis. They expresses passion, commitment and sincerity, just like our employees around the world.

Our Corporate social responsibility

Our line of business, mobility, obliges us and commits us to future generations on three levels: fighting against global warming, committing to regional development, mobilizing employees.


Find out more about our Corporate social responsibility

Experiencing diversity and inclusion

At Transdev, we consider diversity and inclusion to be a journey more than a destination. It is this journey that is at the heart of our daily efforts to promote diversity and a culture of inclusion within our teams. Simply put, diversity is about mixing people together, and inclusion is about respecting and appreciating everyone for who they are. To succeed in this journey, we need to be a reflection of the communities we serve.


Find out more about diversity and inclusion

Zero Emission Mobility

Our aim is to make public transport the benchmark for mobility. Replacing the use of individual cars with “zero-emission” travel without traffic jams is our credo.


Find out more about zero emission mobility

Nantes: a model for the energy transition

The city of Nantes is a pioneer in the implementation of clean transportation in France. We support it in the maintenance of its network by promoting the use of public transportation and the development of innovative solutions: river shuttle using hydrogen technology and the deployment in September 2018 of 100% electric bi-articulated buses. The Result? In Nantes, diesel vehicles represent today a small percentage of the bus fleet!


Find out more about the Nantes model

Safety first

Safety First is Transdev Group’s number one priority. Ensuring the health, safety and security of employees, passengers and the communities that we serve are the indispensable basis for the trust our clients, passengers and employees place in us.


Find out more about safety

Our modes of transportation

As an operator and global integrator of mobility, every day we want to allow you to move more freely. With our transport modes, we have developed an expertise tailored to each local need, which makes us a leader in mobility solutions in the world.


Find out more about our modes of transportation



Véhicules exploités


De véhicules propres


Conducteurs et conductrices


Bus électriques


Des entités couvertes par le système de management environnemental

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteur adipis cing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinci dunt ut lao reet dolo reas.


De femmes salariées


Recrutements en 2020


D'emplois en CDI

Our Purpose

We empower freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions

that serve the common good.

« Our Purpose is a guide, it's what motivates us every day to go to work. And it is also a compass when we have to make a decision ».


Thierry Mallet, Chairman and CEO of the Transdev Group

At Transdev, we are people serving people. We are more than 102,000 employees, transporting an average of 12 million people every day in 19 countries.


Transdev empowers freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions that serve the common good. Transdev was a forerunner in 2019 when we published our Purpose. Because mobility is essential to go to work, study, meet friends, get medical care... simply to live.


For us, the freedom to move is essential for everyday lives. 


We reinforce this freedom on a daily basis, with safe solutions, because safety comes first.


We reinforce this freedom with innovative solutions, because being at the forefront of innovation means demonstrating our adaptability to the world in which we live. 


With these solutions, we serve the common good in three ways : 

- By creating local employment ;

- By contributing to the attractiveness and dynamism of the communities ;

- By contributing to the ecological transition and the protection of the environment. 


The common good is the very nature of public transportation. We must all contribute to it, and measure our impact on the communities we serve. 


This is a source of pride for every Transdev employee. 


Our Purpose is embodied by three action verbs, which express the essence of our business:


Care, Share et Dare. 


Stronger than simple values, these verbs commit us on daily basis. They expresses passion, commitment and sincerity, just like our employees around the world.

Our Corporate social responsibility

Our line of business, mobility, obliges us and commits us to future generations on three levels: fighting against global warming, committing to regional development, mobilizing employees.


Find out more about our Corporate social responsibility

Experiencing diversity and inclusion

At Transdev, we consider diversity and inclusion to be a journey more than a destination. It is this journey that is at the heart of our daily efforts to promote diversity and a culture of inclusion within our teams. Simply put, diversity is about mixing people together, and inclusion is about respecting and appreciating everyone for who they are. To succeed in this journey, we need to be a reflection of the communities we serve.


Find out more about diversity and inclusion

Zero Emission Mobility

Our aim is to make public transport the benchmark for mobility. Replacing the use of individual cars with “zero-emission” travel without traffic jams is our credo.


Find out more about zero emission mobility

Nantes: a model for the energy transition

The city of Nantes is a pioneer in the implementation of clean transportation in France. We support it in the maintenance of its network by promoting the use of public transportation and the development of innovative solutions: river shuttle using hydrogen technology and the deployment in September 2018 of 100% electric bi-articulated buses. The Result? In Nantes, diesel vehicles represent today a small percentage of the bus fleet!


Find out more about the Nantes model

Safety first

Safety First is Transdev Group’s number one priority. Ensuring the health, safety and security of employees, passengers and the communities that we serve are the indispensable basis for the trust our clients, passengers and employees place in us.


Find out more about safety

Our modes of transportation

As an operator and global integrator of mobility, every day we want to allow you to move more freely. With our transport modes, we have developed an expertise tailored to each local need, which makes us a leader in mobility solutions in the world.


Find out more about our modes of transportation



Véhicules exploités


De véhicules propres


Conducteurs et conductrices


Bus électriques


Des entités couvertes par le système de management environnemental

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteur adipis cing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinci dunt ut lao reet dolo reas.


De femmes salariées


Recrutements en 2020


D'emplois en CDI