Our solutions and innovations

twitter future of mobility transdev sur pare-brise de bus rouge à l'arrêt embarquement

We design, develop and operate innovative mobility solutions for everyone. Multi-modality, knowledge of passengers and regions, mobile applications, solutions to protect the environment… we are a key player in the mobility of the future.

Our approach to innovation

Innovating every day

We cultivate innovation and form numerous partnerships to imagine innovative transportation offers adapted to our times, to make journeys more fluid, to bring distant populations closer together, to adapt the offer to demand, to make transportation ever more ecological, to develop the solutions and services of the city of tomorrow in line with the travel and mobility needs of each individual.



Accelerating sustainable mobility: ZEBOX partnership

Transdev, world leader in everyday mobility, and ZEBOX, an international startup gas pedal created in 2018 by CMA CGM Group, world leader in shipping and logistics, announced their strategic partnership in March 2024.



Designing networks

Our modes of transportation

As an operator and global integrator of mobility, every day we want to empower freedom to move. With our transport modes, we have developed an expertise tailored to each local need, which makes us a leader in mobility solutions in the world.



Design of the mobility offer

The MobiDesign approach guarantees a multimodal and intermodal mobility offer that meets the needs of each territory and its inhabitants.

Active mobility services

Faced with environmental, public health and urban congestion issues, local authorities are looking for attractive mobility solutions. This includes active mobility solutions adapted to their areas: self-service bicycles, short- and medium-term rental bicycles, pedestrian paths, etc. These solutions, which are shared and sometimes electric, are designed to be combined with public transportation and offer innovative intermodal solutions.

Knowledge of passengers and local areas

We are building tomorrow’s mobility around passengers’ needs. That’s why we must constantly innovate to improve our knowledge of our customers, in order to better communicate with them and serve them better. Connected mobility also means digital solutions that simplify travel for everyone on a daily basis.

Optimizing customer experience

Traveller Information

ARR'IV: Making every journey a controlled and positive experience by providing the right information.

Digital solutions : MaaS and TAD

We have invented a new form of mobility: connected and intermodal, it facilitates passenger travel for ever greater flexibility and freedom.

Loyalty program

Deployed in Reims, Saint-Etienne, Lens and St Pierre La Réunion, the My Club program rewards the sustainable mobility of Transdev passengers.

Customer relations and satisfaction

At each stage of their journey, passengers can ask Transdev agents for reliable and personalized solutions to the different situations they encounter: information on tickets, mobility services or traffic information.

Client's voice

The Mark&Ter workshops have existed for more than 10 years at Transdev and are recognized by our local teams and communities. The concept? Bringing together between 30 and 50 Transdev experts in a given area to diagnose all the aspects of the marketing mix and provide concrete solutions for improvement.

transdev mobility company transport public commun tramway passagers le havre lia

Our solutions for companies, organizations and charter tourism

Corporate, institutional and industrial-site transport

Transport from workplaces to public transport or on site: 

we offer companies, institutions and industrial sites safe, clean and innovative solutions for the transport of their employees.


Airports and airline companies


We transport passengers between terminals and navigating personnel. We also manage airports and logistics activities for airlines.


Schools and University campuses

Schools, cultural or sports outings, transport on campuses: we put our expertise at the service of schools and universities to ensure safe and appropriate travel for everyone from young children to university students.


Tourist agencies and Event planners


For trips related to events or tourist excursions, we offer travel agencies and organisers a tailor-made offer, perfectly adapted to the specific needs of each customer. 


Rail companies

Buses to replace trains on regular lines or in case of construction work or unforeseen events: we put our road transport expertise at the service of railway companies.


The Mobility Sphere


The Mobility Sphere by Transdev is a European think tank that explores the future of mobility.