sustainable solutions

Multimodal travel solutions, electric or hybrid vehicles, innovative digital applications: we are engaged in the energy transition on a daily basis, with ever cleaner transportation solutions
Our priority: promoting the use of public transportation
Building sustainable mobility means, first and foremost, convincing as many people as possible to choose public transportation. To do this, our first mission is to offer a quality service, one that is both optimised and efficient in order to increase ridership.
Taking action for the environment
Because our role is key in the fight against climate change, our “Moving Green” strategy formalizes our commitments and our concrete actions for sustainable, low carbon mobility for all communities: our alternative fuel fleet is growing (electric, biogas, biofuels, hybrid, hydrogen vehicles), we recycle over half of our waste, each year we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and our drivers are trained in eco-driving. Since 2016, we have brought our clients together around the issues of the ecological and energy transition in the context of the “Zero Emission Living Lab”.
Deploying a zero-emission fleet
In Australia, we were the successful bidders for an eight-year contract (2022-2030) to gradually replace 136 diesel buses with electric ones. By March 2022, 10 electric buses were already operating in the Sydney area.
Transdev Canada has placed 27 electric school buses in service in the Quebec City area since September 2020. By working with local vehicle manufacturers and electricity providers (Hydro-Québec), over CAD$4.5 million were reinjected into the local economy and CO2 emissions were reduced by 99 % compared to diesel buses, thus providing local residents with an improved living environment.
Furthermore, Transdev has a fleet of 3,500 gas and renewable biogas vehicles and over 50 electric hydrogen vehicles. Our fleet of hydrogen vehicles is growing, for example in the Netherlands and in France, in Lens, Auxerre and the Toulouse Blagnac airport network.
Our activity creates value for all communities and the planet
Our mass transit offering helps to relieve highway traffic by being an alternative to the individual car and is based on innovative, sustainable solutions. Our fleet of electric, biogas, biofuel, hybrid, and hydrogen vehicles is growing, we offer soft modes such as Véligo, our bike sharing program in Paris region (a joint project with la Poste), our drivers are trained in eco-driving. Over half of our waste is recovered, and we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions each year.