Thierry Mallet to remain at the head of the Transdev Group

Thierry Mallet - photo d'identité du président directeur général du Groupe

Issy-les-Moulineaux, March 31, 2022: Transdev group announces that Thierry Mallet has been reappointed Chairman and CEO.


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06 45 87 46 51
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06 24 12 13 70

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    In a context marked by multiple health, geopolitical and environmental crises, the renewal announced today ensures continuity in the deployment of the new strategic plan.


    This renewal also responds to the desire for stability expressed by the shareholders of the Transdev group to enable the Executive Committee to continue to build and nurture its relationships, over the long term, with the Group's various stakeholders.


    Thierry Mallet has been Chairman of the Transdev group since 2016, a multinational public transportation operator with nearly 82,000 employees in eighteen countries. He is a graduate of the École Polytechnique, a Ponts et Chaussées engineer and holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Transportation from MIT. He previously held various positions in the Ministry of Public Works and the Générale des Eaux and Suez groups.


    Press Release
