nomad car hydrogen h2

Nomad Car Hydrogen, a world first for Transdev, the Normandy Region and their partners
In Normandy, we are the initiator and actor of the Nomad Car Hydrogen project (NCH2). It is the first project in the world to retrofit a thermal diesel bus into an electric hydrogen bus that will run on the Rouen-Evreux Express line.
C’est une opération consistant à adapter des pièces pour un besoin nouveau, généralement en changeant la technologie sans modifier la fonction. Sur ce projet, le moteur thermique diesel sera remplacé par un moteur électrique alimenté par une pile à combustible qui transforme l’hydrogène en électricité.

The Nomad Car Hydrogen experiment: an unprecedented territorial project
A Normandy innovation for zero emission mobility!
Initiated by Transdev Normandie with the Normandy Region and carried out over 2 years in cooperation with a dozen institutional, industrial and academic players, Nomad Car Hydrogen is the world's first project to retrofit a diesel-powered coach into a hydrogen-powered coach.
By contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants, the Nomad Car Hydrogen is a sustainable, zero-emission mobility solution, contributing to the mitigation of climate change and the protection of air quality in the Normandy region, while paving the way for a new sector allowing the retrofitting and extension of heavy vehicles.
By its collaborative and innovative nature, the project contributes to the emergence of the H2 ecosystem in Normandy through the continuous training of collaborators and the reflection on the professions of tomorrow, the production of quality analyses, a reflection on the omnipresent safety side or by the citizen accessibility to the experimentation.
The innovation is based first and foremost on the collective governance of the experiment with all the players throughout the project.
7 thematic committees and 1 steering committee guide and inform all the members in order to provide technical, scientific and sociological feedback on this experimentation and also to provide continuous training solutions for our employees.