
As the operator of trolleybus networks in France and the Netherlands, Transdev is determined to pursue the development of low-carbon transport modes.
Electric traction contributes significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants. Thus, passengers using tramways and trolleybuses are participating in the development of more environmentally friendly public transport.
The growing investment in IMC (In Motion Charging) trolleybuses on the networks operated by Transdev allows us to operate new environmentally friendly vehicles and to continue our virtuous approach.
New generation trolleybuses
IMC (In Motion Charging) trolleybuses are equipped with a light-weight battery, the size of which is adapted to the line profile used. This battery allows them not to depend on overhead lines. They can thus operate with a mix of electric wire and batteries (60% of the time on the wire and 40% on the battery). The battery is recharged when they travel under the power line. Their autonomy can thus reach 15 to 20 km, which has the advantage of avoiding overhead lines in city centers. They can also be diverted if necessary. Switching from wire to battery and back again takes just a few seconds when the vehicle is stationary.
IMC trolleybuses are among the few fully electric vehicles with no range limit and with technology that has been mastered to date.
The trolleybus network in Saint Etienne
Saint-Étienne Métropole is the Organizing Authority that decides on the transport offer, investments and the policy to be implemented in terms of travel. Within the framework of a public service delegation contract, it has entrusted STAS (Société de transports de l’agglomération stéphanoise), a subsidiary of the Transdev group, with the operation of urban transport in the Saint-Etienne area.
Saint-Etienne Métropole has invested in 23 IMC (In Motion Charging) trolleybuses. STAS’s future IMC trolleybus, less polluting, less noisy and more resistant than a diesel.

(person with reduced mobility)
The trolleybus network in Limoges
With its 5 trolleybus lines and 38 electrically-powered vehicles, the Limoges Métropole public transport network (TLC), Limoges is positioned among the very first French cities in the field of non-polluting urban travel.

("In Motion Charging")
(i.e. 130 km of wires)
Did you know ?

Transdev participated in the implementation of the first IMC Trolleybuses, through the Arhnem network in the Netherlands,