On June 27 at 4.22pm, Transdev’s Snälltåget night train to Berlin departed from Stockholm Central Station. It is the first night train that runs in regular traffic between Sweden, Denmark and Germany since the 1990s. The train arrived at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof on time the following day shortly before 9.00am. This historic moment was recognized by passengers, train enthusiasts, politicians and the media along the entire route between Stockholm and Berlin.
It feels great to finally be up and running and welcome the passengers on board our international trains again. That so many wanted to be with us today shows that this line was long-awaited and that interest in night trains is growing, not only in Sweden, but also in several other European countries.
Carl Adam Holmberg, Managing Director at Snälltåget
The new night train line attracted attention throughout the almost 1,500-kilometer journey to Berlin. Representatives from the Swedish Parliament’s Traffic Committee were present at Stockholm Central Station and celebrated with passengers that it is finally possible to take night trains between Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Ingrid, one of our youngest travelers that day, cut the celebratory “opening ribbon” and Germany’s Ambassador to Sweden, Dr. Anna Prinz, blew the traditional departure whistle. In Copenhagen and in Berlin, it was the Danish and German Transportation Ministers who blew the departure whistle.
Abolished requirements for negative PCR test for entries to Germany
Since the start of the line on June 27th, Germany no longer considers Sweden to be a risk zone for the spread of COVID-19, which means that Swedish citizens (excluding three regions) no longer need to present a negative PCR or antigen test to travel into the country. The same applies to Danish citizens.
That the start of traffic also coincides with Germany abolishing the PCR requirement for Swedish and Danish citizens came as the icing on the cake. We hope that Sweden and Denmark will soon make similar decisions for the German citizens who want to travel to Scandinavia.
Carl Adam Holmberg, Managing Director at Snälltåget
More information about Snälltåget’s night train line to Berlin can be found at www.snalltaget.se
Germany’s Ambassador to Sweden, Dr. Anna Prinz, blows the whistle for the first departure from Stockholm Central Station

Carl Adam Holmberg, Managing Director of Snälltåget speaking at Stockholm Central Station

Danish Minister of Transportation Benny Engelbrecht is ready to blow the whistle for the first departure from Copenhagen.

German Transportation Minister Andreas Scheuer blows the whistle for the first departure from Berlin